Imagine! A simple 2-inch thick metal filtration device that can effectively remove, drain and recover liquid mist contaminants from the air with an efficiency of up to 99% on particles as small as 3 microns in size! Use this extraordinary filter to remove contaminants from greasy restaurant exhausts, industrial mists from machining and forming processes, oily welding smoke, greasy exhaust from bakeries industrial frying and food procession operations. Simply watch the liquids drain out of the separator for safe disposal or re-use in the operation and experience the dramatic operating and maintenance cost-reductions.
Oil Screen Technologies is a manufacturer of sustainable air filtration solutions for the industrial and commercial market.
Using the revolutionary Oil Screen air-mist separator, we offer a wide range of products to filter contaminated air containing mists or any kind of liquid contaminant.
Industrial operations experience very high costs of ownership in the form of maintenance and filter media replacement costs,
exhaust system cleaning, property repair, environmental cleanup and fines.
Inefficient air filtration systems and contaminated exhaust systems use substantially more energy to operate, adding further costs to the operator and taking away from the company’s bottom-line profits.
Oil Screen products provide a sustainable, low-operating cost and achieve outstanding filtration performance with an excellent return on investment, often 1 year or less!
Achieve ISO 14000, environmental, and health & safety requirements easily and economically using any of the wide variety of product solutions from Oil Screen Technologies Inc.
Restaurant owners often get over-burdened with the unexpected cost to change filters in their exhaust ecology systems.
Oil and grease fumes coming from kitchen exhaust hoods can consume conventional filters rapidly.
This results in frequent filter changes at a very high cost to restaurant owner/operators reaching several thousands of dollars every month.
These expenses come directly out of the profits of the restaurant and offer no opportunity for recovery.
The application of Oil Screen products to new or existing kitchen exhaust systems will dramatically reduce filter consumption and maintenance costs. Return on investment is most often 1 year or less!
Applications include industrial machining & fabrication processes, restaurant kitchens, industrial food processing and waste processing.
Virtually any process that generates an airborne liquid contaminant is an opportunity to use the Oil Screen high-efficiency mist-air separator. Common to all these applications is the fact that the processes generate an airborne mist contaminant such as machining coolant mists, oil mists, greasy exhaust fumes from food manufacturing operations, grease in restaurant kitchens, fog & steam.
This contaminant cannot be removed using regular filtration methods, it will quickly saturate and clog filter media or form a layer of contamination on the plates of electrostatic separators.
When this occurs, the efficiency of these filtration methods decreases dramatically allowing contaminant to pass through the system and remain in the exhaust air stream. Workplace health & safety issues arise.
Dangerous contamination of the environment, damage to property, contamination of exhaust systems and building exteriors, fire hazards, are all frequent consequences of inefficient exhaust air filtration systems.
The Oil Screen air-mist separator resolves these issues by efficiently separating the liquid contaminants from the air stream, and swiftly draining them to keep them out of the air stream. Once collected, these liquids can be safely disposed of, or re-used. In the case of many industrial processes these liquids are expensive cutting fluids and oils so their recovery and re-use represents a huge opportunity for cost savings. By efficiently removing these contaminants, the environment is benefitted as well as health and safety issues are avoided. Exhaust systems remain clean, safe and efficient to operate. Fire hazards are reduced. Operating cost savings result.